Latest AI News of this Week : December 6th - December12th

Let’s talk about this week’s latest news from around the world.

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In today’s Tech and AI updates:

  • 🪙 Google DeepMind discovers 380,000 stable materials with their AI GNoME

  • 🍃 Google unveils Gemini Pro 🌻

  • 💙 Ian Curtis develops an innovative augmented reality (AR)

  • 🤖 AnimateAnyone develops "VividTalk," aimed at generating talking face videos

Read Time: 5 minutes

Let’s begin!

🌎 Transformational News 🖊️

Updates from around the world that have the potential to change the world!

What is the news?

  • Google DeepMind has developed a new AI tool called GNoME (Graph Networks for Materials Exploration) that has identified 2.2 million new crystal structures, including 380,000 stable materials.

  • This tool uses deep learning to predict the stability of these new materials, significantly speeding up the discovery process.

  • Among these, over 700 have been created in the lab and are being tested.

  • GNoME has expanded the number of known stable materials to 421,000, which is a substantial increase from the previous number of known stable inorganic crystals.

You can read more here.

Why should you care?

The significance of this discovery lies in its potential applications across various technologies.

Stable materials, such as the ones identified by GNoME, are crucial for the development of modern technologies like computer chips, batteries, and solar panels.

The discovery includes materials that could lead to advancements in superconductors, improved lithium-ion conductors for batteries, and new materials similar to graphene, which could revolutionize electronics.

This breakthrough in material science could accelerate hardware innovation in energy, computing, and other sectors, potentially contributing to solutions for challenges like the climate crisis.

Where and How can you use it?

The practical use of these materials includes the potential development of new technologies, such as more efficient batteries for electric vehicles, advanced computing technology, and improved electronic devices.

Additionally, the findings from GNoME have been added to the Materials Project database, making them accessible to researchers worldwide.

This could spur further research and development in various fields, leading to the practical application of these materials in industry.

Furthermore, the use of AI in this domain showcases a new era of accelerated material discovery, potentially reducing the time and cost associated with developing new technologies.

☄️ Educational News 📚

Learning Medium, Productivity Hacks, etc that help you evolve to the nxt version of yourself.

What is the news?

Google has unveiled Gemini Pro, an advanced AI model, which has been integrated into NotebookLM, an experimental AI-powered note-taking application.

Gemini Pro is designed to enhance document understanding and reasoning capabilities within NotebookLM.

This integration marks a significant advancement in AI-assisted productivity and organizational tools.

Why should you care?

Gemini Pro is notable for several reasons:

  1. Advanced AI Capabilities: It represents a leap forward in AI technology, offering state-of-the-art performance across a wide range of tasks.

  2. Versatility: Gemini Pro is optimized to be multimodal, meaning it can handle various types of information including text, code, audio, images, and video.

  3. Accessibility: Its design allows it to efficiently run on everything from data centers to mobile devices, making advanced AI capabilities more accessible to a broader range of users.

How can you use it?

Gemini Pro's potential uses are vast and varied:

  1. Enhancing Productivity Tools: Its integration into NotebookLM helps users synthesize and understand complex information from various sources, aiding in tasks ranging from academic research to professional content creation.

  2. Multimodal Applications: Being a multimodal model, Gemini Pro can be used in applications that require the combination and understanding of different types of data, such as combining visual and textual information.

  3. AI-Assisted Development: Gemini Pro's capabilities in understanding and generating high-quality code make it a valuable tool for developers and programmers.

Gemini Pro's introduction is part of Google's ongoing efforts to integrate advanced AI into practical applications, enhancing both user experience and productivity. For more detailed information about Gemini Pro and its integration into NotebookLM, you can refer to Google's blog posts here and here.

💥 Creativity Corner 🗡️

Creative Use of Technology that can touch lives!

What is the news?

Ian Curtis has developed an innovative augmented reality (AR) prototype using 8th Wall WebAR technology.

This prototype stands out for its use of image targets and seamless integration with a secondary mobile device, enhancing the shopping experience.

Curtis's work is a notable example of creative applications of AR in retail.

Why should you care?

This development is significant for several reasons:

  1. Enhanced Shopping Experience: The AR prototype offers a novel way for consumers to interact with products, potentially transforming the retail industry.

  2. Technological Advancement: The use of 8th Wall WebAR and integration with mobile devices demonstrates the growing capabilities and applications of AR technology.

  3. Creative Potential: The project showcases how AR can be creatively used beyond traditional gaming and entertainment, opening doors for diverse applications in various sectors.

Where and How can you use it?

The AR prototype developed by Ian Curtis can be used in various ways:

  1. Retail Innovation: Retailers can use similar AR solutions to offer customers an interactive and immersive shopping experience.

  2. Educational and Training Tools: This technology can be adapted for educational purposes or employee training, providing interactive and engaging learning experiences.

  3. Marketing and Branding: Brands can leverage AR for innovative marketing campaigns, creating engaging and memorable experiences for their customers.

The work of Ian Curtis with 8th Wall WebAR represents a step towards more interactive and technologically enhanced consumer experiences. His approach could inspire further innovative uses of AR in various industries.

For more details on Ian Curtis's projects and the capabilities of 8th Wall WebAR, you can visit the 8th Wall website here and here, as well as read about the integration of Generative AI technology with 8th Wall here.

🤖 Hi-Tech News 📌

The latest updates in AI and Tech from around the globe.

What is the news?

The authors of AnimateAnyone have developed a new project called "VividTalk," aimed at generating talking face videos.

This technology stands out for its ability to take a single image and an audio input to produce realistic talking faces.

Unlike its predecessor, Wav2Lip, VividTalk promises improved performance and more lifelike results.

Why should you care?

The significance of VividTalk lies in its advanced capabilities in audio-driven talking head generation:

  1. Enhanced Realism: VividTalk offers a significant leap in creating lifelike talking heads, an improvement over existing technologies like Wav2Lip.

  2. Versatility: The ability to generate talking faces from just an image and audio input opens up numerous possibilities in various fields, from entertainment to virtual assistants.

  3. Technological Advancement: This development represents a noteworthy progression in the field of AI and machine learning, particularly in multimedia communication.

Where and How can you use it?

VividTalk's technology has several potential applications:

  1. Virtual Communication: It can be used to create realistic avatars for virtual meetings or remote collaborations.

  2. Entertainment Industry: In film and gaming, it could be used to generate realistic characters based on voice actors’ performances.

  3. Accessibility: This technology could aid in creating expressive avatars or digital representations for individuals with speech or facial disabilities, enhancing their communication capabilities.

🔮 Magical Productivity Hack 🔮 

The productivity hack of the week

What is Scheduled Worry Time?

Scheduled Worry Time is a method to manage anxiety by setting aside a specific time each day solely for worrying. This technique helps to confine worries to a particular time, making them less intrusive throughout the day.

How do I apply it?

  1. Set a Time: Allocate 15-30 minutes daily for worrying, preferably when you're undisturbed and not before bedtime.

  2. Note Worries: When anxious thoughts arise during the day, write them down and postpone pondering over them until your worry time.

  3. Reflect During Worry Time: Use the allocated time to think about your worries. Determine which worries you can control and plan actions for them; for uncontrollable worries, practice letting go.

  4. End on a Positive Note: After your worry session, engage in a relaxing activity like deep breathing or a short walk to transition out of the worry mindset.

  5. Be Consistent: Regular practice helps train your mind to manage worries more effectively.

This approach can lead to reduced anxiety but please bear in mind that this is not a replacement for professional therapy in severe cases.

Meme of the week

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